Saturday, September 5, 2009

What has been on my mind

OK, so it's been a long time since I have posted. I'm sure that not many people read this blog, and those that do already know why it's been so long since I've posted.
BUT here goes anyway...
Tuesday, July 21st around 3pm Mountain Time Scott Minear, Ryan Vangsnes, Jeremy Vangsnes, and Dan Vangsnes were in a roll-over on I-90 right outside of Bozeman, Montana. I've never met Scott, but I've known the Vangsnes boys for about 6 or 7 years. (Wow, yeah 7 years this fall is when I first got to know the boys!) This has kind of been occupying my time, and has definitely been occupying my thoughts for the last (almost) 7 weeks.
Ryan literally walked away from the accident with some cuts and bruises. He and Scott were wearing seat belts. Scott was pinned in the car and was in critical condition in Billings for a while. He is now doing better and will hopefully heading to his home in Georgia early this coming week! (his CaringBridge site) Dan and Jeremy were sleeping in the back seat of the car and were both thrown from the car. Dan's main injuries suffered were external, Jeremy's were internal. He was unconscious from the accident and it still in a coma. He is now in Spartanburg with family and makes small improvements. (the boys' CaringBridge site)
This is just my small, abbreviated version of the events. This is a great entry from their oldest brother Travis about all of the boys' personalities, and really gave me a peace right after the accident. (Victims of Random Tragedy?)
Thankfully Dan agreed to let me come visit him in Bozeman and I could not have picked a better time to go. During my stay Dan got his neck brace off, came out of withdrawal from a very powerful medication, stopped using a walker (now uses a pretty pimpin' cane), walked with NO assistance, WAS RELEASED FROM THE HOSPITAL!!!, and the major wound that he has healed significantly. Since I've been there even more miracles have happened, and continue to happen everyday. That is my favorite part of the day now, calling Dan to see what brace he could remove or piece of 'equipment' he could stop using.
I realize this is a lot of information, and a lengthy excuse as to why I'm not blogging. But there will be a day where the boys will all get together and tell their story. As for now, I'm looking forward to Dan getting to South Carolina and getting to see Jeremy for the first time in a long time.

Friday, July 10, 2009

1 mile by 6:15 AM!

Morning workout was amazing! The trainer is SO encouraging and positive. And also, I burned over 550 calories before 7am. and I RAN a mile or more by 6:15. My day felt so productive, and I was way hyped up off of the workout (before I even got coffee).
Mornings, here I come. I'm going to try it a few more times, and see if it sticks! (Yeh Angela, count me in)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What does 779 mean to me?

So, I have been a little slack with working out lately. I've been even more slack with blogging. I have been working out some that I didn't write about.
Today was my first day at the gym in over a week. I just let the UNmotivation get me. BAAAD idea. It was a rough workout, but I did it. 779?? Number of calories burned in 1:20! It took almost an hour and a half, but I was able to finish everything. It was just me and 2 guys, which wasn't too bad. We did some warm ups, and then off to a timed 4BL (about .37 miles). I just thought that if I made it under 3:00 minutes I'd be good. That wasn't a very lofty goal I was able to make it under 3:00 on every lap (I think, may have cut it close on the last one). We were given 3 minutes in between laps, I was verrrry winded after #2 and #3.
My gym buddy Angela has switched to mornings for a couple of weeks while she has stuff going on at night. She loves it. She works out at 6:00am then showers and heads to work! I'm very impressed by this. I am going to go Friday and try it out. The only problem for me is that I live farther away. So we are going to try this whole showering at the gym thing. Then get ready and get coffee (I will soooo need it). Our gym isn't like most other gyms. We are very small and there is only one shower stall. So I will definitely blog about the morning workout experience. Excited to work out with super pumped trainer Bryan again!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Race for the Cure

This will be my next 5k. PLEASE run/walk with me. As a team starts to form I'll post more about fundraising, but consider running. It's a great cause and odds are that you know someone who has been affected by breast cancer.
THIS is the race site. If you're interested in joining the team that some of my friends and I are putting together, let me know.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Today is the 3rd day in a row that I've gone to the gym. And today I felt like I kind of rocked it. I didn't run all of my laps, but close. And I completed the exercise and feel pretty good afterward.
I'm not sure if I have just become one of those work-out freaks or what, but I'm living it up while I am super motivated. I think I'm going to shoot for tomorrow too.
4 Days in a row? Can I do this? I think so! (also why is this super motivated week the one where Michael *hard core pro-wrestler trainer* isn't there?)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I have been working out for about 6 weeks and have official results of how my body is doing. I was very pleased to find out that I have lost inches in a lot of places and lost weight! Also, I was able to bring up the amount of my weight that is NOT fat. This means that I gained muscle AND lost weight.
I think that my results are a combination of being more conscious of what I'm eating, running, and working out regularly. It was VERY exciting to say the least. Now I just can't wait to start seeing the results a little more!

Also, today I did manmakers. I did not make a man, but there was a tired Jenn by the end of it all. We also ran in between reps. All together I did 5 laps all running. That is 1.85 miles. I'm slightly impressed with myself. Now if only I could keep that momentum and run 2 or 3 miles without stopping to lift weights in between laps.
And one last exciting thing is that my heart rate has come down a little. I think that will have a lot to do with my stamina running.
So here's to a slower heart rate, burning lots of calories, and losing inches!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Candlelight Results

I'm still no runner, But I might be one day.

My first time chip race.

Place Age Sex NAME CITY/STATE Rank Gun Time Gun Pace Chip Time Chip Pace

720 24 F JENNIFER NICHOLS SIMPSONVILLE SC 720 00:41:32 00:13:22 00:40:38 00:13:05

Candlelight Run

It was very hot. BUT I made it. I'm still waiting on my "official time" but I enjoyed the run. During the race there were times where I wasn't enjoying it sooo much.
I have also set my goal. I think that Angela and Maddie are with me on this too. October, the Reedy River Run. Hopefully I will run this race start to finish with no walking. OK so now that I've put it out there, I guess i have to stick to it.
More to come on the 5k and body comp results. Also, any other 5ks coming up I'd consider running, so if you hear of any - let me know.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today was a very cardio full workout. I travelled on foot for 3 miles outside. I ran a good amount, but I know that I can run more than I did. It was just VERRRRRRY humid. It was almost like swimming rather than running. It rained for a little bit, but only enough to tease me and make it more humid. After running I did 100 jumpropes, and 100 mountain climbers. I felt good about the amount I was able to do in an hour.
 My body composition is coming up again next week. That is when I find out what kind of progress I have been making, and the numbers won't lie. So I'm much more motivated to eat healthy, even though I get cravings for the most specific junk food. (mint chocolate chip, and fries with skin on them.....mmmm)
 Wish me luck!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Music & Running

So, tonight I ran/walked when I got home. (About 8:45 to 9:15) This is probably the latest that I have run. A few things I noticed. There are about a MILLION frogs in our neighborhood, A bug flew into my mouth (NASTY!!! I spit it out thankfully), and Angela's mix was pretty awesome!
 SO Angela, you inspired me to sit down at Garage Band, and give it a try with my music. I made the "Week 2" Podcast for the couch to 5K with the walk/run voice with some of the music I like.
 (To read more about this podcast go to Angela's blog HERE)
 I'll be working out tomorrow, so more to come.
(Also, I'm not feeling very ready for this 5k, but we will see!)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mental Block

I feel very accomplished today. I ran all 4 of my "4B Laps". Which I think is .37 a lap. Which Is almost 1.5 miles. WHICH IS (almost) half of a 5k. I usually stop to walk some, but I was really determined to make it.
 I am pretty sure my problems with running are all in my head (and kind of in my lungs). I tell myself that it's ok to stop and walk. Today I told myself that I could do one lap (and Angela too. That's right!!! NO WALKING). Then on the 2nd lap I decided to see if I could make another lap. THEN on the 3rd lap I even told Angela that I had a feeling that I would stop to walk but I would see how far I could go - again, I MADE IT. Then I made the decision to go for the 4th lap right before 6:30 (the time I leave the gym). I made the choice then that I was going to make the last lap, even if I needed to puke or pass out afterwards. I did neither, but I did finish.
 This is really encouraging for my goal of running a 5K. I also feel a lot better about trying to reach a time goal (with Maddie). I just hope that I can continue to push the mental barrier until I can break it all together!
And most importantly today, I felt good when I left the gym. I did NOT feel exhausted, or like I would die soon. I felt accomplished and just GOOD! :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wipeout makes me smile.

today sucked.
I don't think I can accurately explain what it was like. I feel like I'm working hard to pick up a cup of water. My arms don't want to support their own weight. Also mentally it started to get to me.
 I made it all the way through. I stayed past 6:30 too.
BEST of all.... I burned 819 calories! 819!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is AMAZING for me. I'm pretty sure this is the most that I have burned ever.
I'm going to sleep now, and it's barely 10:00, but I'm so drained.
Sorry for the short slightly unenthusiastic post.

Monday, June 1, 2009

ixnay on the erealsay

So, it was my first time being late to a workout. I'm pretty sure I got my heart rate up trying to get there on time. I feel like I did OK. I didn't complete the workout in an hour, but I really feel like I'm starting to get the form down. Also, my "core" doesn't like to workout. My back would rather hurt itself trying to make up for my lazy core. Crunches and leg raises usually really bother my back. Tonight I did full-fledged sit-ups. I wasn't in pain (from what I remember) AND I felt like there might actually be muscles under my "spare tire" "love-handles" what have you...
 I met Michael for the first time tonight (he introduced himself as Ralph???) He was very encouraging, and really helped me get my form right. But he also asked how long I've been working out. I guess it's been about a month. And then he asked if I felt a difference in my clothes fitting.  To be honest, I haven't much. I feel better, more active...but actually weight (or fat) loss. Minor.
 He asked if I had been eating right. and I think for the most part I have. That's when I mentioned that I have been having a bowl of cereal for dinner a few nights a week. He stopped and asked me "Am I red yet?".     oops!   He then told me that is not a good idea. So, SpecialK, YOU LIAR! You don't mention in your "Lose 6 lbs. in 2 weeks" plan how much sugar is in your cereal. And also how much of the stuff I need is NOT in your cereal.
 Needless to say, I will be watching what I eat more carefully. I think the trick is moderation. Which is REALLY hard. I've heard it's good to eat 4 or 5 meals a day, that are no more than 300 calories each. But it can be ANYTHING (as long as it's less than 300 calories).  I've been eating more fish. I've only been told that if I want to cook it I have to go outside. :)

This is a long one, I guess I have missed a blog or two. PS Maddie is going to hard core show me up in the 5K.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2 workouts in a row and I didn't (quite) die!

Ok, it's official. I HATE benchpresses. If I counted correctly (and odds are I didNOT) I did around 260 of them. I'm being VERY lenient because what I did for most of those reps is probably not even considered a benchpress. But I couldn't wait all night just to finish them.
 I also did 260 air squats. That is a more accurate number, maybe an underestimation. And 130 wall balls. I have a feeling that I will not be straightening my hair in the morning. I don't think my arms will be able to handle that.

But most importantly from today is that Maddie ran 2 miles!! With Mac, her cute dog. And I know this is low, but I'm convincing you here in my blog that Yes, you should do the Candlelight 5K. Good idea. I won't need to buy another iPod if you do. :) (love you)
 So, now I am very committed to running it (I'm writing my check tomorrow), and think that I should better start trying to do SOME sort of training on top of my work outs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Slam Balls

Today was my 2nd time working out with Bryan as a trainer. It was a good workout, and Angela and I made it all the way to round 3! (That is exciting!!)
 I learned what Slam Balls are. They are a great/ridiculous cardio and strength work out. I think at least. It really got my heart rate up, which led to me burning over 600 calories in total today!
 I'm excited to reach the 6 week mark to get measured again so I can start to see a difference. I can feel a difference. I'm more excited to work out (most days) and I don't get winded so easily.
 Also, I'm going to enter the Candlelight 5K. I'm pretty sure that I have decided to do this whether or not I have anyone to walk/run with. I just need one more iPod. One to run with. :)
 I've found a lot of 0-5k plans out there, but today stumbled across a Dunkin' Donuts zero to 5k program! YES DUNKIN' DONUTS! My favorite coffee ever wants me to be fit too! (and coffee isn't too bad calorie wise either)
 So yes Dunkin' Donuts I will be fit, and I will one day RUN an entire 5K ... ... then maybe more?

Friday, May 22, 2009

new trainer and discouraging dress

Yesterday I met Bryan. He's the new trainer at 4B and he was pretty excited to be there. And it was actually pretty helpful in getting me motivated.
 I did my first Crazy 8s. Which is starting out in a bench press then gradually inclining one click at a time, to a millitary press (I think that's what it's called). BUT on the way up between clicks, doing 15 ring rows or pull ups. I tried the jumping pull ups for the first time. Then on the way down between clicks one "bank run" which is just a quick lap around part of the complex the gym is in. I didn't stop to walk! (yay) but I did get slower. I'm ok with that because there were times where I wanted to walk, but I didn't!
 So, I think I may have set a lofty goal trying to fit into the dress. I'm just being honest with whoever is reading this. But I'm pretty sure I will not be wearing THE dress tomorrow. (that was my mental deadline) I'm trying to not let it discourage me. I will wear it one day - soon I hope. But on the bright side. I get to buy a new dress... :-/

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The story of ONE cookie!

Today I went to Panera and got a salad. Also, I don't use a lot of dressing, so I was feeling good about my lunch choice. The guy behind the counter ended up giving Erin and me a free shortbread cookie. Fun, right? I've really been cutting down on sweets because I can live without them, and it's just healthy. I decided that I was going to go to the gym despite how much I didn't want to today, and as an early reward I could eat the cookie.
 So Chris, being the good work neighbor that he is, looked up the Nutritional Facts for the cookie. A Panera Shortbread cookie has 300 CALORIES!! O    MY    GOSH! I almost just threw away the cookie then, I should have. But I ate most of it, then when I couldn't bear the thought of how long it would take to burn 300 calories, I threw it away.
 I have really become aware of calorie intake. When you see how much work it takes to burn off what you are eating, you REALLY second guess what you put in your body.
 I didn't make it to the gym so I decided to try to work out some on my own tonight. I bought a Jumprope and did a few different exercises. In 30 minutes I jumped rope, did crunches, leg raises, supermans, and some more things. (Not a whole lot of reps, except I did 400 jumps). I only burned away about half of the freaking cookie.
 I don't think I have yet given advice in these blogs, but I will tonight. Like a lot of women say "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." That's pretty true. It only takes a few seconds to make the decision to eat crap. But it took me about an hour to burn of that shortbread cookie. It wasn't worth it! I'll leave you with this thought.
 Think about what your eating. Do you really want to add those calories to your body, or do the extra work to burn them off? Wouldn't you rather have less calories to burn, and start seeing results sooner? I would.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Moe's wasn't a good idea.

Today was my first time in 7 days going to the gym. That is not the best idea. I was not loving it. Also, I was not good when visiting Bethany. I didn't exercise, but I DID try to at least keep in mind what I was eating. I turned down a table of desserts! I had one small cookie.
 (on a related note my sister now has her Juris Doctorate.  Now if someone says, "Is there a doctor in the house?" She can say YES! haha. Love you B)
 I'm getting much better at Jumping Rope. Considering it had been since probably the 4th grade since I had Jumped Rope, I feel like I'm doing OK.
 So, I thought that I came to a realization today. That I don't have a very strong "core", then I got to thinking about how difficult the push presses and bench presses were. So add un-strong arms. Then while squatting AND lunging I thought about the strength of my legs. SOOOO suffice it to say that I need to keep up the gym thing for a while. Get all of my parts stronger.
 Another realization, came in the middle of the workout when I told Angela "Moe's wasn't a good idea." Christian and I succeeded at getting the Moe's monday deal, which is not something that you would want to see in reverse. And thankfully I didn't, but at one point I thought Moe was going to re-visit me. So from here on, I'm going to say No to Moe on workout days.
 I also got to experience going into a bridal shop all sweaty and smelly from a workout. Nice - I don't think I know anyone else who has done that. Way to be impulsive Angela! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Have any tips for me?

Today I cancelled the gym b/c I need to get some stuff done before heading to DC (well Arlington). BUT I said I was going to run, and I did! Melissa went out to walk one way, I went out to run the other and we passed around the middle. She actually made it home before me. But I stopped to walk some, and that's what slowed me down.
 If anyone has any tips for staying motivated or getting started running, I would love to hear them. I think that I do find it easier if someone else is running with me. I can't wimp out in front of someone else, I totally can by myself.
 There may be some blog silence for a few days, but my plan is to try to get on a treadmill or some machine while in the hotel in VA. And stick to healthier food options.
Thanks in advance for any tips. 

and on two un-exercise related notes
Benjamin Button is a looong movie. (only made it through half)
LOST finale TOMORROW night!!!!! woo woo.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Partner Day

*I didn't have the partner that I was hoping for - and I hope she feels better. You were missed, and thankfully I survived without you Angela!*
Today was a rough workout. It was partner day, and I was nervous about being the "slow" partner out of the group. Admittedly I was sometimes, but one I got into my rhythm I killed it on the jumprope. I jumped 400 times! Although after doing wall sits for a while my legs did NOT want to do burpees (That is not what I look like doing burpees). This is the first day I've done modified workouts. But if I hadn't my poor partner would have had to wall sit ALL day long!
 An uplifting thing that happened today was that I jogged, for real. I did my 3 "4BLaps" (laps around the parking lot and up Butler) without stopping to walk. NOT EVEN ONCE! I ran with someone (I think her name is Jane) she ended up being my partner for the day. But it was encouraging because she didn't feel like a strong runner either. I just kept pace with her and we did it! I was pretty excited. It's encouraging to know that I can do it, so later this week I'll be taking on the neighborhood. It would be good to know what distance I ran. hmm. I'll have to drive around the parking lot to see.
 I just kept pushing today, that was key. I didn't enjoy everything, but I DID IT! 
All in all this is what I did:
~ 100 box jumps
400 jumps jump-roping
Air Squats until my partner did 200 jumps
60 Burpees
Wall Sits until my partner did 30 Burpees
100 Crunches
75 Russian Twists *didn't hate these*
50 Leg Raises
25 Supermans

And drummmmmroooooollllll.......
burned 727 Calories! The most in 1 workout since I've been wearing my heart-rate monitor.
I'm thinking of going tomorrow. That will be my first 2 days in-a-row. We will see.
Thanks for reading! :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

small victory

Quick Post.
I tried on THE dress again this morning and got it zipped up! I still have a little bit to go, but It's looking like my working out is paying off. 2 more weeks!

Friday, May 8, 2009


I just completed the Swamp Rabbit 5k! This is the first time I've ever entered a race. umm EVER (can I stress that?) and...I actually liked it. I'm not sure how else to put it. I did walk most of the way, and did some jogging (or yogging as Ana calls it).
 Greta, Ana and I hung out and walked/jogged together. There were around 2,000 people there and the trail was not very big, so at times we were stuck going a certain speed. Once it opened up we were able to jog and do our power walk around people. It was encouraging to try to keep up with the faster people around me. Also, Ana and I had out new heart rate monitors on. My heart was apparently beating CRAZY fast at some point. I'm going to say it was either running downhill in the cemetery or hiking it up the other hill.
 I also think this was one of the hottest I've ever been. (not hot looking, I highly doubt THAT) The humidity was amazing, and horrible. It felt almost like swimming through the air. I'm sure it had to be around 90% humidity. I was "glistening" before the gun even went off.
 Anyways, I'll stop the rambling to say: I enjoyed the race. And I might possibly enjoy running. That is crazy, because I would never have guessed that I would ever say or believe that. I think that I might give it a try. And I'm definitely IN for the next race. Bring it on stroller pushers!
So, Dear running. I'm going to give you a chance. Please be easy on me. I think that I might like you. :) Sincerely, Jenn

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not feelin it.

Today was not the best work out. I think it was a combination of the rainy weather and being sleepy the last couple hours at work. I realized once I had started the workout that I was not feelin it. I was going a little slower than the other ladies I was working out with, granted (gran it) they were some fit women. But Angela jumped into the routine with me, and I am REALLY appreciative for that! (Thanks a BUNCH!!!!) It went by a little better after that, but I kept giving Angela the "no" and "I don't think so" faces. haha
 It just seemed a little harder to get motivated during today's work out, but I made it. All the way. I can still find things to be excited about even if I feel like it was a less than stellar afternoon.
 I was excited/nervous to have my body composition done (results to come - possibly to be posted). That's how I got started today. Someone I don't really know pinching at the parts of me that I like to forget about. Also, I'm 5'4" if anyone is wondering (not 5'2"!) :)
 I got my heart rate monitor today too. Pretty cool! So I'm hoping to include the calories I burn in each workout and I'm really hoping to get my top heart rate down... My first work out it was 195 (ahhh) today it was 193. Slow progress.
 Calories burned in 58 minutes: 542

Monday, May 4, 2009

Running in the Rain

 Today's workout wasn't the worst. There were more people in the gym today. I thought it would be more intimidating working out with people who are way more fit than I am. But that really wasn't the case. I really find all of the people I've met at 4B to be very encouraging. 
 I learned how to correctly do a push-up, today. I had the completely wrong idea about how to do them. Now I know I need to use my chest to push up and not worry if my butt is sticking up in the air...haha (I did 5 sets of 21! so all together 105 including my feeble attempts before being corrected)
 I also learned (while doing kettle bell swings) that Brodie is a butt man. He is pretty funny, and really helped with my form. Those are pretty hard for me, I don't quite have the explosion part down yet. (also 5 sets of 21)
 We did many other exercises but ended every set with a "bank run". That just means running from the front door of the gym down around the bank to the back door then back to the front. It probably felt the best out of everything! Even though I was starting to feel it in my lungs by the 4th and 5th time, the rain was amazing!! It was so humid and muggy in the gym, so just getting out in the rain REALLY cooled me down. I think I would take up running in the rain in the future, I liked it that much.
 OK, this is parts kind of gross, for a girl at least. A couple of other new experiences, I've never sweated so much that I couldn't tell if my clothes were soaked from the rain or my sweat. Also, never in my memory have I had sweat drip into my eye. yeh, I just work THAT hard :) Angela, when are we getting our pimpin' sweat bands?
 Well, Happy Cinqo de Mayo, and I hope to update Wed. night.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 1 (for real)

So,  I'm really new to this blog thing. But it will be very random, because that is how I am. Everything won't be about exercizing, but that's just what's going on for me now. We'll see how it all unfolds. Thanks for reading!!

 Friday I went with Angela to the gym (that's right I went to the gym instead of going out!) I signed up for a 3 month membership. So bathing suit season, here I come! I did some 4BLaps, which means jogging on Butler Road with all of the traffic watching - fun. I could have pushed it a little further, but I didn't want to pass some of the other girls running. I'm hoping to get my lung capacity up so I can jog some on the days I don't work out.
 It really is a good feeling knowing that I have worked out, even if I feel pretty weak while doing it. Also, I'm really working hard at it. That is not really in character for me, I never really did homework in school and I usually tried to do just enough to get by in classes. But this I'm really trying to do all of the exercises the right way and the right amount, NO CHEATING. Because I'm really only cheating myself.
 I'm not feeling too sore today, maybe tomorrow it will kick in again. I'm hoping that this sore thing will be over soon, but it's good to know that those dormant muscles are still there.

Free Workout

So, this all started when I ordered a dress online. I've said it a lot lately, but my mind and body have disagreements about the size that I wear. I'm determined to get the dress to fit and all of the clothes that have gotten tighter over the past couple years.

 Today is the first day that I really worked out in a long time. The first time since high school that I have done any real weight training. I have been thinking about it for a while, and Angela proved to be the motivation that I needed to get up and do it. I went to 4BFitness with Angela and I will be joining soon, later this week I hope. We did a good workout, just the two of us and a very built trainer-man. I learned what Piston Presses, Goblet Squats, and Burpees are. (Burpees aren't as scary as Angela made them out to be)
 I can feel the workout tonight, but I think that I could push a little harder as I start going more. Aparently today was a good day to start, so we will see how much harder it gets from here.

My top heartrate was 195, and my average was 170.
Also I burned 600 Calories! That is more than a Whopper Junior!