Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2 workouts in a row and I didn't (quite) die!

Ok, it's official. I HATE benchpresses. If I counted correctly (and odds are I didNOT) I did around 260 of them. I'm being VERY lenient because what I did for most of those reps is probably not even considered a benchpress. But I couldn't wait all night just to finish them.
 I also did 260 air squats. That is a more accurate number, maybe an underestimation. And 130 wall balls. I have a feeling that I will not be straightening my hair in the morning. I don't think my arms will be able to handle that.

But most importantly from today is that Maddie ran 2 miles!! With Mac, her cute dog. And I know this is low, but I'm convincing you here in my blog that Yes, you should do the Candlelight 5K. Good idea. I won't need to buy another iPod if you do. :) (love you)
 So, now I am very committed to running it (I'm writing my check tomorrow), and think that I should better start trying to do SOME sort of training on top of my work outs.

1 comment:

  1. We can do it! I am telling myself if I run two times (2 miles each time) between now and Monday, I am allowed to sign up by the registration deadline. So- Monday, I will let you know officially!
