Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Have any tips for me?

Today I cancelled the gym b/c I need to get some stuff done before heading to DC (well Arlington). BUT I said I was going to run, and I did! Melissa went out to walk one way, I went out to run the other and we passed around the middle. She actually made it home before me. But I stopped to walk some, and that's what slowed me down.
 If anyone has any tips for staying motivated or getting started running, I would love to hear them. I think that I do find it easier if someone else is running with me. I can't wimp out in front of someone else, I totally can by myself.
 There may be some blog silence for a few days, but my plan is to try to get on a treadmill or some machine while in the hotel in VA. And stick to healthier food options.
Thanks in advance for any tips. 

and on two un-exercise related notes
Benjamin Button is a looong movie. (only made it through half)
LOST finale TOMORROW night!!!!! woo woo.