I learned how to correctly do a push-up, today. I had the completely wrong idea about how to do them. Now I know I need to use my chest to push up and not worry if my butt is sticking up in the air...haha (I did 5 sets of 21! so all together 105 including my feeble attempts before being corrected)
I also learned (while doing kettle bell swings) that Brodie is a butt man. He is pretty funny, and really helped with my form. Those are pretty hard for me, I don't quite have the explosion part down yet. (also 5 sets of 21)
We did many other exercises but ended every set with a "bank run". That just means running from the front door of the gym down around the bank to the back door then back to the front. It probably felt the best out of everything! Even though I was starting to feel it in my lungs by the 4th and 5th time, the rain was amazing!! It was so humid and muggy in the gym, so just getting out in the rain REALLY cooled me down. I think I would take up running in the rain in the future, I liked it that much.
OK, this is parts kind of gross, for a girl at least. A couple of other new experiences, I've never sweated so much that I couldn't tell if my clothes were soaked from the rain or my sweat. Also, never in my memory have I had sweat drip into my eye. yeh, I just work THAT hard :) Angela, when are we getting our pimpin' sweat bands?
Well, Happy Cinqo de Mayo, and I hope to update Wed. night.
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