Saturday, September 5, 2009

What has been on my mind

OK, so it's been a long time since I have posted. I'm sure that not many people read this blog, and those that do already know why it's been so long since I've posted.
BUT here goes anyway...
Tuesday, July 21st around 3pm Mountain Time Scott Minear, Ryan Vangsnes, Jeremy Vangsnes, and Dan Vangsnes were in a roll-over on I-90 right outside of Bozeman, Montana. I've never met Scott, but I've known the Vangsnes boys for about 6 or 7 years. (Wow, yeah 7 years this fall is when I first got to know the boys!) This has kind of been occupying my time, and has definitely been occupying my thoughts for the last (almost) 7 weeks.
Ryan literally walked away from the accident with some cuts and bruises. He and Scott were wearing seat belts. Scott was pinned in the car and was in critical condition in Billings for a while. He is now doing better and will hopefully heading to his home in Georgia early this coming week! (his CaringBridge site) Dan and Jeremy were sleeping in the back seat of the car and were both thrown from the car. Dan's main injuries suffered were external, Jeremy's were internal. He was unconscious from the accident and it still in a coma. He is now in Spartanburg with family and makes small improvements. (the boys' CaringBridge site)
This is just my small, abbreviated version of the events. This is a great entry from their oldest brother Travis about all of the boys' personalities, and really gave me a peace right after the accident. (Victims of Random Tragedy?)
Thankfully Dan agreed to let me come visit him in Bozeman and I could not have picked a better time to go. During my stay Dan got his neck brace off, came out of withdrawal from a very powerful medication, stopped using a walker (now uses a pretty pimpin' cane), walked with NO assistance, WAS RELEASED FROM THE HOSPITAL!!!, and the major wound that he has healed significantly. Since I've been there even more miracles have happened, and continue to happen everyday. That is my favorite part of the day now, calling Dan to see what brace he could remove or piece of 'equipment' he could stop using.
I realize this is a lot of information, and a lengthy excuse as to why I'm not blogging. But there will be a day where the boys will all get together and tell their story. As for now, I'm looking forward to Dan getting to South Carolina and getting to see Jeremy for the first time in a long time.